help us as we rebuild the lower ninth ward of new orleans! welcomes individuals and groups year-round, regardless of skill level and experience. If you do have construction knowledge, we’ll do our best to maximize use of your skills on our current projects. Let us know what you are bringing to the table! We provide all necessary project training and tools, so even if you’ve never swung a hammer – YOU can help rebuild and repair homes in the Lower Ninth Ward. We also accept volunteers at our food pantry, and long-term volunteers lead that effort.
ready to volunteer? here’s how!

Read our Volunteer Handbook and Volunteer Info and FAQ carefully – many of your questions will be answered here, and you will get a good sense of what to expect from your volunteer experience.
Email with any additional questions.

We welcome international volunteers! Please read our International Volunteer Page for details on what it looks like to travel to the U.S. to volunteer with us, and email with any questions not covered there.

Please click the volunteer button below to apply to be one of our volunteers. You will receive an automated email with our volunteer waiver, which we encourage you to send to all of your team if you are signing up with a group.

Within a week you will receive an email from our Volunteer Director to confirm your dates, or suggestions for alternate dates if our schedule is full. Please be prepared to pay a non-refundable 25% deposit to confirm your spot.

Your spot on our project schedule is not finalized until you’ve paid any housing and/or volunteer fees – these must be submitted electronically through PayPal. Be sure you’re ready to commit when you do submit fees, as they are non-refundable.

Do NOT book flights or finalize any other travel arrangements until you’ve received a confirmation from us that we can accommodate you on the dates you requested
we're excited to work with you and will be in touch soon.

Questions about volunteering? Be sure to read our Volunteer Handbook and Volunteer Info and FAQ.
Additional questions & concerns? Don’t hesitate to contact us at