of homes were rendered uninhabitable in 2005 by Hurricane Katrina and the levee breaches
What's taking so long?
This article, by 'Katrina: After the Flood' author Gary Rivlin from The Nation explains
rebuilding homes. restoring services. reviving hope. reaching out.
Even if you’ve never swung a hammer YOU can help rebuild Katrina-damaged homes!
we've rebuilt 83 homes in the lower ninth ward so far!
- Date
- July 21, 2016
#cusherbuild: NEARLY COMPLETE Like most Lower Ninth Ward residents, Alita Cusher and her family were forced to move outside of New Orleans following the disaster in […]- Date
- July 21, 2016
#holmesbuild: IN PROGRESS Mr. Holmes’ house was virtually destroyed by Katrina and further damaged in Hurricane Isaac. This residence is currently gutted and in an unlivable […]- Date
- July 21, 2016
#josephbuild: COMPLETE Errol and Esther’s home on Forstall was built by Errol’s father. Errol had lived there for 62 years before it was flooded in 2005. […]- Date
- May 21, 2016
#robinsonbuild: COMPLETE Allison Robinson contacted lowernine.org to help her sister, Gwendolyn Brown Jefferson and her children get back into their 1309 Jefferson Street home. lowernine.org volunteers […]
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June 4, 2016
Volunteers to rebuild 9th Ward home with help from James Hardie Co.
http://www.nola.com/business/index.ssf/2016/06/volunteers_to_rebuild_ninth_wa.htmlBy Robert Rhoden | NOLA.com – The Times-Picayune Volunteers with the non-profit Lowernine.org will get some training this weekend on the installation of siding at a […]
May 19, 2016
City lauds the arrival of CVS pharmacy in Lower 9th Ward
http://www.theadvocate.com/new_orleans/news/article_75b31a3c-ed8a-556c-97e7-306f6de165e0.htmlBY CHAD CALDER | The New Orleans Advocate -
The city celebrates the opening of a CVS in the lower ninth ward as a signal of progress. Laura Paul of Lowernine.org says that she welcomes the business and hopes it will provide incentive for people to move back to the area. Only 37 percent of the ninth ward population prior to Katrina has returned, compared to 89 percent for the entire city.
March 8, 2016
Chemical spill In Lower 9th Ward alarms activists
http://www.wwltv.com/news/action/chemical-spill-in-lower-9th-ward-alarms-activists/72605882By Bill Capo | WWL -
In a video covering an oil spill recently discovered on a Lizardi Street lot in the lower ninth ward, Laura Paul comments on how these toxins could affect the residents of the area and it’s rebuilding.
October 19, 2015
A Tale of Two Neighborhoods
http://plus.usgbc.org/a-tale-of-two-neighborhoods/By Calvin Hennick | USGBC+ -
Almost a decade after Katrina, Calvin Hennick compares the recovery of the Broadmoor area to the Lower Ninth Ward. Laura Paul and Errol Joseph explain the discrimination of organizations such as the Road Home program, which contributed to the Lower Ninth Ward’s struggle to recover as well as Lowernine.org’s work to aid the neighborhood in this hindering process.
August 30, 2015
By Gary Mason | The Globe and Mail -
A detailed story on the disparate recovery of the city ten years post-Katrina. Laura Paul of lowernine.org says Brad Pitt’s Make It Right Foundation should be called “Make it White.” She acknowledges the organization’s good intentions, but points out that it is not the best way to spend their funds.
August 28, 2015
Canadian helps rebuild New Orleans
http://www.cbc.ca/news/world/canadian-helps-rebuild-new-orleans-1.3208337CBC - Laura Paul gives a tour to the CBC of one of the projects Lowernine.org is currently working on.
August 27, 2015
New Orleans Set To Mark Ten Years Since Katrina
http://radio.foxnews.com/2015/08/27/new-orleans-set-to-mark-ten-years-since-katrina/Eben Brown | FOX News Radio -
Laura Paul says that ten years post-Katrina, many displaced people have spent upwards of $90,000 on rent, which is about the going rate to rebuild a home that is already owned.
August 27, 2015
The Lower Ninth Ward, Ten Years After Katrina
http://www.vice.com/read/the-lower-ninth-ward-ten-years-after-katrina-0826BY Shelby Hartman | Vice -
The tenth anniversary of Katrina and the subsequent levee breaks has the nation curious about the recovery of the city since the storm. Laura Paul explains that many homeowners in the lower ninth ward.
August 23, 2015
Cosmetic improvements can’t hide enduring problems in Lower 9th Ward
http://www.theadvocate.com/new_orleans/news/politics/article_7991884c-24e3-594d-8bdb-64d23313dc72.htmlBY JEFF ADELSON | The New Orleans Advocate -
Ninth ward community members, including Laura Paul of Lowernine.org, speak about the much delayed return of the lower ninth ward compared to other parts of the city. While many welcome the improvements that have been made in the area, they remind city officials and citizens that it is not enough. (Includes photos of ground breaking for new CVS).